
欢迎,二年级的学生! The 二年级的计划 is a year-long invitation for you to reflect on your progress so far, develop some goals and set some priorities for the rest of your time at Bryn Mawr. 

Basic information is 在这里 but the real hub for sophomore planning is in Moodle. 你们都参加了 大二计划课程. 用星号标记课程,这样你就可以看到它与你当前的时间表.  

二年级院长提供个人和小组咨询 在学生们开始他们的大二计划时. 二年级学生可以安排与院长见面 检讨达到学位要求的进度, 澄清问题, 最重要的是,考虑他们的优先事项. The Sophomore Dean and other staff also host a series of conversations in the Fall Semester on topics related to the 二年级的计划.

二年级学生希望确保自己能够顺利完成学业. 在秋季学期注册, 学生应在仿生完成学院要求计划. 二年级的院长会审查你的计划并记下你的顾虑. 说明和更多信息 在Moodle中. This will give sophomores the clarity around requirements they need to make good decisions for course registration for Spring.  

Building on the curricular exploration that began as a first-year student, sophomores will 决定并宣布 主要 研究领域. Some sophomores may be ready to do this in September, but 许多 more will take longer. For 许多 students, exploring and deciding on a minor is also an important part of the sophomore year.

随着人们对布林莫尔越来越熟悉, sophomore year marks a natural time to learn about and plan for life beyond Bryn Mawr. 学生们有几种方法来做到这一点. 

  • 首先, 许多 学生会考虑 出国留学. 决定是否, 当, 在哪里留学与大二计划的其他方面有关. 具体地说, 以便有一个完整的留学申请, students must have declared their 主要 with a faculty 主要 adviser and have their 主要 adviser submit a 出国留学 evaluation.  
  • 第二个, 许多 students will be trying to figure out what kind of work they want to do in the world and how their time at Bryn Mawr can help them learn more and gain valuable experience. Students may also be eager to put what they have been learning in the classroom into practice. In order to facilitate the reflection that is a crucial part of this process and to prepare them to apply for internships and other opportunities, 二年级的学生将起草一份 重新开始 并接受反馈  来自职业和公民参与中心的工作人员.


Your dean wants to be a resource to you as you plan for the rest of your time at Bryn Mawr and beyond. 4月前, sophomores have the opportunity to meet with their dean to discuss their priorities and plans.    

You are the one to determine 当 this meeting would be most beneficial to you. 记住:

  • Most people find that advising leads to a new understanding of what they’re interested in exploring further and how to go about reaching their goals.
  • If you are considering study abroad, you will be learning a lot through the 出国留学 programming. 你的院长可以帮助你思考你所学的东西如何应用到你身上.  
  • Your dean can also also help you explore some of the other ways to expand your learning beyond Bryn Mawr: Praxis independent study, 360s, 夏天的机会. 
  • 你不需要在开会前把所有事情都弄清楚. Indeed, the more confused you are, the better it may be to meet sooner rather than later. 如果你不确定你的专业, your dean can help talk through the options with you and provide suggestions for how to make your choice. 
  • Please note that you do NOT need to have met with your dean before you declare your 主要 with your 主要 adviser.

要做的: 你可以 在网上安排一个大二学生计划会议.  作为预约安排的一部分,您需要填写 简短的问卷调查.  


The choice of a 主要 is one of the largest decisions students make about their intellectual lives. 对于许多人来说,在布林莫尔,主要的部门变成了一个家中的家. 

要做没有一个简单的待办事项清单适用于所有学生.  有超过35个专业, 60多名教师担任主要顾问, and with students themselves having unique paths towards deciding on a 主要, 任何试图概括主要选择过程的尝试都是非常困难的.  Students should consult the advice and resources listed below as appropriate.  

到四月底, 不管具体的路径是什么, all sophomores should have a declared 主要 in 仿生 and a 主要 work plan (the Online Major Work Plan in 仿生 for Bryn Mawr 主要s, in accordance with Haverford's procedures if a Haverford 主要) approved by the appropriate faculty 主要 adviser.  You'll find the Online Major Work Plan in the 二年级的计划 corner of your Student Center in 仿生, but the instructions for filling out the plan are available on Moodle and can be referenced 在这里.


大二计划Moodle网站 (最新的信息,完整的说明,申报专业等.)


决定是否、何时、何地出国留学是一个多方面的过程. 如果你在大三的时候考虑出国留学的话, 你应该参加一个秋季信息会议. 完整的信息在 留学网站.  

要做的: Visit the 出国留学 101 网站 in Moodle and follow all the instructions t在这里. Keep in mind the following deadlines for submitting an application in 仿生 (in the 二年级的计划 corner) for Bryn Mawr approval.

还记得, 作为留学申请的一部分, you must have declared your 主要 and have a 主要 adviser study abroad evaluation form submitted by the appropriate study abroad application deadline, 如上所述. 


的职业 & 公民参与中心 is 在这里 to support you as you develop your 重新开始 – whether you are putting your first draft together or you are updating an existing 重新开始. This component of the 二年级的计划 will help you communicate a summary of your experiences and convey your interests. Plus, you can use your 重新开始 to apply for summer internships, research and volunteer opportunities! 

We encourage you to think broadly about the experiences you include on your 重新开始 such as volunteering, 俱乐部及活动, 工作和实习, 领导, 体育运动, 等. As a sophomore, you have probably engaged in more 重新开始-worthy experiences than you think! This is a document you will continue to update as you engage in new experiences. 如果你有兴趣寻找新的机会,看看 职业和公民参与中心 网站, 握手事件, 这个列表 学生俱乐部 在布林茅尔,让你开始. 


  • Schedule a "Sophomore Resume Review" appointment in Handshake to meet with a career counselor or career peer to review your 重新开始.
  • 在握手中安排一个“Resumania约会”, 秋季休息后可用, 与职业顾问或同行见面,看看你的简历.
  • Upload your 重新开始 draft to your "Documents" in Handshake using the naming convention "SophomoreResume_LastName_FirstName" and a 职业生涯 & 公民参与中心 staff member will review your 重新开始 and return it to you over email with feedback. .

完整的说明,截止日期和资源列表可在 大二计划Moodle 网站!





9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday